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  • Writer's pictureNahari Leija

Design and Development PBT is such a bop.

As a teacher, I constantly had to develop lesson plans and conduct formative evaluations in my classroom to see what I could improve in and what skills my students were lacking. Although, I haven't done this process with adults, throughout my ID course I have learned that learning process of adults and children could be similar.

Instructor Guides:

Instructor guides are essentially a step-by-step guide for teachers and trainers on what to do in a training. The instructor guide is a facilitation tool for instructors to help them prepare for a course. The instructor guide also includes an activity time schedule where the instructor leading the course could see about how long each section of the training should take and pace themselves. Additionally, the instructor guide is a great lesson resources to know what tools the instructor should have in hand for the training.

NahariLeijaLesson Plan Template_ Gagne's nine events of instruction (2)
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Formative Evaluation:

A formative evaluation occurs throughout the course and it allows trainers and educators to provide live feedback as the learners practice the skill. Formative evaluation could be really low-key and informal, it is used as an opportunity for learners to really demonstrate what they know, consequently the instructors will be able to better help them how to improve. During this process, the instructor can observe and see if learners keep making similar mistakes so this way they could adjust the training or re-teach the content.

A simple example of a formative assessment could be a Kahoot.

Other ID Deliverables:

Another instructional design deliverable that could be used to design a storyboard training is a high-level design document. The high-level document helps the trainer dissect the storyboard and see the reasoning behind certain decisions.


Instructor Guide Template samples. (2015). Retrieved April 18, 2022, from

Stetler, C. B., Legro, M. W., Wallace, C. M., Bowman, C., Guihan, M., Hagedorn, H., Kimmel, B., Sharp, N. D., & Smith, J. L. (2006). The role of formative evaluation in implementation research and the QUERI experience. Journal of general internal medicine, 21 Suppl 2(Suppl 2), S1–S8.

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